Desiring a Relationship with God


Desiring a Relationship with GodDesiring God

You could be the most talented person in the world and have accomplished everything in your particular field of interest, but your heart would not feel completely satisfied. Your heart would still have some sort of longing. You could have enough money to buy anything you wanted, but you would still not feel complete. Some of you may be disagreeing, but I promise I’m not just blowing smoke. If we were to truly evaluate our lives, those accomplishments and personal gifts, would not totally fill our hearts.

There are a number of examples of professional athletes, successful business people, and famous people that have “made it to the top” only to find out that the top wasn’t enough. They knew there was something else that they needed in their life. Something that their wealth and fame couldn’t buy.

Our world teaches us that fame and fortune is what you want in this life, and lets be honest…most of us do want that. But we see throughout Scripture that God’s economy is a lot different than our economy. He doesn’t care so much about our fame. He cares about His fame. He wants His name to be lifted high.

If you do everything right and catch all the right breaks, reaching all of your goals and getting everything you ever wanted in life, chances are you would still feel some type of void down in your soul.

Why is this?

This void rises in us because God has created each and every one of us to have a relationship with Him. We have to understand that concept and start pursuing Him or our heart’s thirst will never be quenched. God did not create us to live in a sinful world separated from Him. Instead He created us to live in a perfect world with Him.

When we live life for ourselves, we have problems in our marriages, we struggle at our jobs, we are more easily depressed and anxious. We don’t have hope when rough times come. The great thing is, God offers us help in those rough times! He offers an eternal solution!

John 4:13-14 – Jesus Answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

We begin to see the need for a relationship with God when we try to get to know Him. Developing a closer relationship with God is simple. By praying and reading our Bibles, we gain a better understand of who God is, why He created us, and what He wants for each of us.

When this happens, we start to desire an eternal life with God in the perfect world (Heaven). We begin to notice God’s presence in our day-to-day lives. You can actually sense God’s nearness and you will start to desire Him more and begin desiring an even closer relationship with Him.

Psalm 42:1-2 – As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?

God desires to be with us…we need to have a desire to be with Him.

One of my favorite things I’ve ever heard someone pray was “Help me practice Your presence in my life today.” I love the visual that those words give me. God is near! What are some areas in your life that you fail to practice God’s presence? What are some areas your do well at practicing God’s presence?

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