Motivation to Help You Battle Laziness

Motivation to Help You Battle Laziness

Motivation to Help You Battle Laziness

I was reading in Charles Stanley’s InTouch Devotional Magazine about “Success Blockers” and I felt like God was smacking me in the face with some of the points mentioned! The ones that hit me the most were procrastination and laziness.

Have you ever thought about either of these behaviors being sinful or ungodly. It should be easy for us to see how they can be sinful and ungodly, but I fear that most of us, even myself, have never thought about them this way. When you break them down we see that they prevent us from achieving God’s purpose in our lives and they prevent us from experiencing true success! One day we will have to give an account for how we have spent our time here on earth and that can be a scary thought if we know we aren’t currently living our lives like we should be.

Typically these habits are associated with a work environment, but what happens when we apply them to our marriages and relationships? This laziness in our marriages is the concept of us getting to comfortable within our relationships. We start to believe the work is done. We start to get the thought in our mind that we no longer have to pursue our spouse because we “have” them. We think all the work was done during the dating phase of our relationship and now that we have tied the knot, things just are what they are. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a pretty boring relationship to me.

I’m not going to go into all the ways we could (and should) WORK HARD in our jobs, and also in our relationships, because each of our lives are different and the list could go on and on. Instead, take a look at these 4 verses and ask God to show you different areas in your life where you could be more active in pursuing His will for your life. I promise that He does not desire for us to be lazy in this life and I double promise you (is that a thing?) that He does not want us to be lazy when it comes to the relationships we have! God was and is all about relationships!

1. Proverbs 10:4-5 – A lazy person will end up poor. But a hard worker will become rich. A son who gathers crops when they are ready is wise. But the son who sleeps through the harvest is a disgrace.

2. Proverbs 13:4– The lazy person will not get what he wants. But a hard worker gets everything he wants.

3. Proverbs 12:24 -Hard workers will become leaders. But those who are lazy will be slaves.

4. Romans 12:11 – Do not be lazy but work hard. Serve the Lord with all your heart.

What are some areas in your life that you struggle with being lazy?  Is it in your marriage?  Your work? Your relationship with God? What are some things you can think of that would help battle being lazy in the relationships in your life?

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